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Stimulator Fish Report 7/14/13

This past week was just about as good as it gets. The fish are now spread out from the banks on the Pacific to the Gordo Banks and beyond. The water temps are stabilizing and we are seeing temps in the hi 70’s pretty much all the way to the Finger Bank. Stimulator fished the temp break off the arch at Cabo at the end of the week for 2 Striped Marlin and 3 Dorado, there are dolphin schools that are holding Yellowfin Tuna with fish running from football size on up to 100 plus lbs. A buddy got into them on the spinner dolphins and picked up 2 over 100#’s on the kite. The Striped Marlin concentration is still centered in the Sea of Cortez around the 1150 spot along with the Dorado mixed in where you find them. Have heard of a couple Blue Marlin being hooked but as of yet I haven’t seen one at the scales or of one verified release. They’re here though, with all the small yellowfin and skipjack, no doubt. Great time to come fishing!!~Capt. Jay

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