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Stimulator Sportfishing Fish Report 9/28/13

The wind has been howling down the Pacific this past week, it finally let up on Saturday and the great Dorado fishing opened up again, boats were hitting double digit numbers fishing the beach from the light house on up past Migrino. The billfish bite has been good on the Sea of Cortez side, lots […]

Stimulator Fish Report 9/23/13

First time since June it was cool Sunday morning, Fall is in the air!~ Satellite picture showed 74 degree water outside the banks on the Pacific side~change a coming!~Fishing has stayed amazingly stable after Tropical Storm Manuel passed thru, port was closed 2 days, afterwards the Dorado fishing along the beach on the Pacific side […]

Stimulator ish Report 9/15/13

Been a great past week with weather, ocean and fish all cooperating. The Striped Marlin bite has slowed down a bit but up to 5 fish days are possible, not to shabby!~ The Dorado are on the Pacific along the beach and on the Sea of Cortez pretty much where you find them, seems the […]

Stimulator Sportfishing Fish Report 9/9/13

Tropical Storm Lorena came at the end of the week, we are averaging about 1 storm a week now and once again a few days after the storm the blue water is right back up on the beach and the fish are back on the chew. Striped Marlin and Dorado are whats been in the […]

Stimulator Sportfishing Fish Report 9/1/13


Healthy Fish!~

Striper on the spreader bar!

Another tropical storm “Juliette” came at the end of the week and dumped a bunch of water and turned the ocean upside down!~ The days before Stimulator fished 1 day for 4 Striped Marlin and a half dozen Dorado. The fish were […]